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Today we are going to go in a different direction to start the week. Last week we spent a lot of time talking about some pretty intense subjects that should have caused some self reflection. Since today is Monday and the start of a new week I feel we should start our new week off with something positive. What is more positive then "Random Acts of Kindness"?

You may not know this, but you probably do more random acts of kindness everyday then you realize. What I would like you to do though is to be more aware and purposeful with these random acts of kindness.

Random acts of kindness are small things that end up meaning a lot to the recipient. Holding the door open for someone who is still a good 25 feet from the door. Telling your spouse or partner they are amazing. Stopping what you are doing and saying hi to the person who you know always could use an act of kindness. Writing a simple note of thanks to someone and leaving it on the desk. There are so many ways to show these random acts of kindness.

The reason I want you to be more aware and more purposeful with your random acts of kindness is because of the positive effect it has on you. It has been proven that when you perform random acts of kindness throughout the day and week your ability to stay in a positive mindset increases exponentially. Because of this increased positive mindset you are able to handle the normal trials and tribulations you experience throughout the week with greater success and ease. Also the feeling you get from performing random acts of kindness becomes such an uplifting experience for yourself that you want to experience this feeling more and more.

So make random acts of kindness part of your daily life. Be purposeful, search out ways that you can perform these acts of kindness. They are everywhere to be found and the people who need them are everywhere to be found.