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The 3-Part Test

Here is a great test I heard about yesterday, It suppose to help you find your true purpose in life. It's pretty cool. Before I give you the test, a lot of you may say some things along the lines of. " I am already doing my life true purpose" if you are great, keep going, but most of us have no idea if we are and worse yet most of know we aren't and don't know what to do about it. Some of you will say "I'm too far into my life to change course or worry about finding my true purpose at this point in my life". I hope that isn't the case, because everyday you wake up, life starts anew. Everyday is an opportunity to find your true purpose. Also purposes can change and morph due to life different events. The point is we all can benefit from this test. Who knows maybe you have a couple true purposes in your life. It is imperative that you find yours. The world is waiting and probably needs it.

The idea is to come at this test from a positive perspective. The idea behind this test is to help you find out what you could or should be doing that helps contribute to making your life feel fulfilled and happy 

Part 1 - Ask yourself what are you good at doing in the sense of professional job attributes. Write them down and make a list. Narrow the list down to the one thing or the common thread that runs between them. Write your answer down.

Part 2 - What are you truly passionate about. What puts an unremovable smile on you face.  What is it that you find yourself sometimes saying, "What if I could really do something about______" You fill in the blank. Again write them down and narrow it down to that one or two things. Write your answer down.

Part 3 - What makes you angry! What is that one thing. That one thing that you are passionately angry about. What do you see that makes you say this isn't right and something needs to be done about it. Again write them down and narrow it down to that one or two things. Write your answer down.

Once you have answered all three questions and oh by the way these answers should be thought long and hard about. Take part 1,2 and 3 and form a sentence or phrase. 

Example: Me

Good At - I think I am pretty good at coaching and being a leader 

Passionate About - Health, fitness and strength

Makes Me Angry - The Lack of Human Movement

I believe with my ability to coach and lead people, that I will be able to coach and train people to a fitness, strength and nutrition based lifestyle. I will show as many people as possible that they can move and you will build strength inside and out.

That pretty much sums up what I started 4 years ago in two sentences. I didn't know about this test back then, but if you would have asked me close to 5 years ago to write that sentence, it would look a lot like that. 

Hope some of you decide to take on the challenge of this test. Could be pretty cool.