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Stop and smell the roses

This Morning one of my gratitude's I wrote down in my morning journal was "Staying grounded, not to high not to low, Breathing and feel my own pace".

Quite often we forget life doesn't always need to be done at a pace that is not your own. We spend so much of our days under the rush and pressure of others. We forget that this is our life. If I need or want to stop and take some time for myself, I'm allowed too.

For some of us this can become very difficult. We may feel we don't have enough time during the day when in actuality we have way more time than we think. When we don't think we have enough time, that is us just being to lazy to look at our daily schedules and changing them up to create that time needed for ourselves. Basically we are making excuses. But,

For some of us though, It is difficult because we let ourselves feel guilty for wanting some self time which leads to anxiety. Guilt and anxiety a lot of times comes from the feeling that you don't deserve this time. I believe when it comes to feeling like this you must find a way to tell yourself, NO IT'S OK for me to want and need some self time. I have a right to this time and quite frankly I have earned it. The only person you owe anything to, is yourself. I don't say this to be rude or selfish sounding. I say this because, if you don't take care of yourself, who will? In order for you to be there for the people you love and who need you the most, you need to be as close as possible to your best every day. You can not do this unless you take care of yourself along the way. It you want to help and serve others around you, self care and self time is essential. 

So stop and take a breath today. Smell the fresh air. Raise your heart rate. Release the bad energy through physical action, so it can be replaced with positive energy. You are depending upon you to do this.