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Aligning Goals and Values

Are your goals aligned with your values? Probably the most important aspect of setting your goals is making sure that they align with your values. If your goals do not align with your values the possibility of achieving a goal is greatly reduced and even if you do fulfill the goal it will feel empty and you will feel unfulfilled in the end. When you choose to set goals that align with your values your motivation for these goals will now have purpose and meaning to your life. They will enhance the value of your life and the ability to achieve them will grow exponentially. Also because these goals aligned with your values, if failure happens your ability and desire to pick yourself up and start over again will greatly increase. You end up taking the knowledge you learned from your first attempt and apply it towards your next attempt. This will never happen if you fail at a goal that does not align with your values. Remember that motivation stems from purpose and purpose stems from your values. So don't waste your time and energies going after goals that don't touch deeply mentally and emotionally. Just because someone says this will be good for you doesn't mean it will be good for you. Only you will know if this is true because the truth lies within your own values.

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