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Time for a little Self Care

We all lead what each of us feels is a busy life. We deal with the stresses of everyday life. We also have to deal with the stresses of not everyday life. We get the emergency phone call. We get the totally unexpected family issue. The car break down issue. You name it, the list could be a mile long.

How often do you just stop and take a moment to breath. I don't mean just a moment, but really stop and give yourself an hour or two to decompress and clear the mind. My bet is it does not happen as often as it should. The way our society has taught us is to keep soldiering on and push through everything. Because of this mindset we end up feeling a little guilty for taking some time daily or every other day to decompress and take care of ourselves.

The question then becomes if you don't take the time to take care of yourself, who will? How on earth are you going to be able to give your best to those who need it? The answer is you can't. all that you can give what you have left each day. Which eventually won't be that much.

Now I'm not talking about taking a break by sitting on the couch with a gallon of ice cream or hitting up the local bar for a couple cocktails to relax. I am talking about real decompressing and clearing the mind through mindful and purposeful physical activity. It has been scientifically proven that if you want to relieve stress in your life you need to get out there and purposefully move your body. You see stress is a physical reaction with in the brain that will eventually manifest itself into the body. The physical stress with in your brain needs to be counter acted through physical movement of the body. I.E. EXERCISE. This is a proven fact. There are no short cuts or magic pills to solve this issue. Just like I wrote in yesterdays email, your body is your most prize possession. Well your brain resides with in your body and if it is not able to work and function at optimal levels, your body will not either.

We need to be willing to take care of ourselves and if that means taking and hour or two everyday or every other day for self care... Then do it and do it without hesitation. Because no matter what, everything you are dealing with in life is still going to be there waiting for you. So instead of repeating the same painful mental cycle over and over again. Move your body, relieve your stress and come back at it with a clearer head and a renewed energy.

Remember DO THE WORK.