Defining (and living) your core values

Do you know what your core values are? Do you have them written down? If you have them written down, do you read them out loud to yourself on occasion? Do you look at them when life is throwing curve balls at you all the time?

We should all have a list of core values that we work on trying to live by on a daily basis. Yes some days are better than others. The point is, do you have your core values and are they aligned with how you choose to live your life.

Big Tree Fitness core values

1- Effort

2- Added Life Value

3- Genuine

4- Passion

5- Dedication

6- Non Judgmental

These core values I have for Big Tree Fitness are the same core values I carry in my personal life with one additional core value, Unconditional Love. My core values are what guide me as a husband, father, friend, business owner and man. They define me as a human being.

We all have many other beliefs and values that guide us everyday, but our core values shape all the other beliefs and values we carry with us. Our core values are what shape our character and who we are. These are the values that come through day in and day out. They are the values we express to our families, friends, co-workers and so on. When these values are not aligned with our action we know right away and so do others.

You should try like hell to have you actions align with your core values. Do they always? No. Why? Because we are human and we make mistakes and we fall down. The question is how fast and how well do you get back up. With out knowing your core values you will never know.

If you haven't written your core values down or haven't thought about them for a while. Spend some time and either writing them down or re-examining them. Once you have them, keep them close to your heart and soul and use them to help guide you. Especially when life is feeding you those curve balls.

Michael Meeker