Taking A First Step

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step"

- Lao Tzu

For some reason we all have an issue with taking the first step. It can paralyze us in our tracks. The first step doesn't just have to be towards some monumental thing in our life. The first step can also be the mundane daily issues as well.

I think when it comes to the daily mundane issues, it simply comes down to motivation and self discipline. When either of these two personality traits start to wane we become lazy and start to procrastinate. We are all guilty of this one.

How do we stop this from continuing? It is a little easier said than done, but it is quite simple. Just get up and get to work and start creating momentum. You don't even have to start with the task or issue you are procrastinating over. You can start with something as simple as straightening up the magazines on the coffee table. The point is you are starting to put your mind and body into motion, You are starting to solve small problems.

Soon enough your mind will start to feel better about what you are getting accomplished. Before long you will have music playing in the background. The TV will be turned off because you realize the TV is a distraction and the music provides motivation. You will step back and laugh at yourself and ask yourself, "why was I making the first step so difficult". Well procrastination and lazy are two very powerful enemies that need to be respected, but also need to be defeated all the time.

Taking the first step when it comes to big monumental things. Well that's a whole different can of worms and requires a different mindset and a different conversation for another day.

Michael Meeker