How do you earn respect?
“A country is considered the more civilised the more the wisdom and efficiency of its laws hinder a weak man from becoming too weak and a powerful one too powerful.”― Primo Levi in If This Is a Man
I like to start my week off with a stoic quote. Balance is the key to everything. Everyone and I mean everyone deserves to have a clear path on which to travel. We are all going to have obstacles throughout our lives, but know one should have obstacles put in their way by a more powerful entity in order to maintain the status quo or to maintain their power. Life should be about respect and about the way you EARN your respect. Respect does not equal power. A person who has earned her or his respect doesn't promote themselves through the respect they have earned. They choose instead to earn their respect every day because they also respect the process of earning their respect. They earn it through a genuine caringness for the people and the world around them. They choose to live their lives through an ethos that is based in authenticity and a respect for all, not just some.
As always your thoughts and comments are always welcome.