Breaking it down

“f you want to have a break through you Must go through a break down”

One of my mentors Zach Even Ish says this quote to his athletes all the time.  It is a true and powerful quote. What makes this quote so dangerous is that most of the time we shy away from going through the break down because of how uncomfortable it can be to go through. We make the excuses I don't have the time, this is too hard, I plan on starting...., I don't know if that is the right thing for me, I'm not sure I can do that. You name it the excuses are out there and WE ALL have used them before. I know I have in my past. 

It is alright to feel scared of the uncomfortable feeling of going through the break down before the break through. Being scared is a strong emotional feeling that is good for us to have within ourselves. Another way to look at it is this way. "If I fear this, I must do this". Remember we do not grow because of our successes. We grow because we get comfortable with our fears. We walked with our fears. We lived with our fears. We embrace our fears. And when we do this, we cause the breakthroughs in our lives and that is where success is found. Remember the first step is always hardest and when you put your feet on the floor first thing in the morning you are practicing your first step each and every day. 

You must embrace the breakdowns in life in order to find the breakthroughs.    

Thanks for reading and as always your comments and thoughts are always welcome.

Michael Meeker