Motivation Lists
Happy New Year to you all. I hope everyone had great holidays. I know it was very different for all of us, but if you were able to look at the holidays through a different lens and realize that this year was going to be a different experience know matter what. It gave you the opportunity to pivot your point of view. I chose to look through this different lens and found that this year was the first time in twenty years I was able to concentrate the holiday's on my wife and kids. Instead of traveling all over the place over the two days that was Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and then also the New Years, we were able to stay home and enjoy the time spent with each other. Because of this change of point of view, It allowed for everything to slow down and become an amazing family experience for us.
What is Motivation? Motivation is a set of emotions, both painful and pleasurable that act as fuel for our actions. Motivation comes from purpose, fully feeling and associating with the consequences of our actions or inactions. (Jim Kwik "Limitless")
I know that we all have issues with motivations at times throughout our day, our weeks, our year and our life time. This is totally normal. The issue though is what do we do about a lack of motivation? How can we bring it back into our lives when it seems to be gone or waning. Here is a good exercise to do when you run into the lack of motivation wall. Take a piece of paper and pencil (Not a computer or phone) and make a list of what would or will happen if you choose not to do something that you know is important to you, such as working out or working towards the promotion or the household remodeling ect.... When you're done writing them down take a moment to read them. You will probably realize that there isn't a whole lot of good written down on that sheet of paper.
Now take that piece of paper and turn it over and do the polar opposite. Write down all the things that will happen if you find the motivation to get started and complete the thing that is important to you. Again take a moment and read the list. I bet you that this list is longer and full of positive thoughts and ideas.
Now which list do you want to live with? I bet you it's the second list. Once you decide that it's time to kick your motivation into gear, keep the two lists nearby because there will be days that motivation will wane. When this happens pull your list out and read it and don't be afraid to add to as time goes on. You might be surprised what you add to this list.
As always your thoughts and comments are always welcome