Self Doubt

I spend a lot of time talking and writing about having a positive mindset throughout your life's daily practice's. But to say that we all can stay in that type of mindset day in and day out would be foolish and frankly not true. Quite often in life we have to deal with some feelings and emotions that can bring on self doubt. Self doubt is a tough one to break away from. It requires a lot of energy and a deep seeded resiliency to break the mindset of self doubt. One of the hardest parts about self doubt is being open and honest about it. Nobody really likes to face their self doubts, but we all have them and getting past them requires acknowledging them and confronting them out in the open. This isn't always easy because of how vulnerable it can make you feel. But self doubt is all about vulnerability. This past month I have been dealing with a lot of self doubt and at first I did not want to face it or admit it, but recently it got to a point where my self doubts were affecting my mind, body and soul all together. My self doubt was starting to lead me down a path of acknowledging all the things that I really have no control over. My self doubts started to project my future and if I was going to be able to persevere. What I needed to do to break this cycle was to realize that the future is untold. That the future is not real because it hasn't happened yet. What could I control? I could control the here and now. I needed to bring myself back to the present and realize the best control I have is the effort I can give to the here and now. Not tomorrow or the next day or March 5th. By bringing myself back to the present I have slowly started to pull myself away from my self doubts. Trust me they are still there and they are real, but now that I have acknowledged them I can use them as energy and fuel to help the one thing that I and only I control and that is my effort.

Don't let your self doubts paralyze you. Confront them and use them and get busy doing the work needed to prove them wrong.

As always your thoughts and comments are welcome.

Michael Meeker