Finding Your Resiliency
What would you say is the biggest issue for most people. I believe that issue is the ability to creating a personal resiliency. What do I mean by that? Usually most of us have no problem doing what we thoroughly enjoy, no matter what time of day or what ever time of year. Sometimes these things are good for us, but a good portion of the time they are not so good for us. the issue we run into is creating the resiliency with in us to do the things we know are good for us to do, but also are the more difficult thing to do. Typically what stops us is the unwillingness or the motivation to take the first step. Weather that is setting the alarm clock to get up early to hit the gym or hit the extra work that has piled up. Sometimes we set ourselves up with the greatest intentions and we are totally motivated until the first step comes upon us and then all the intentions and motivation goes out the door. Why? Lack of commitment? Lack of actual desire? I believe it is fear. Fear to take that first step. We all know the first step is the hardest step, but also all know that once we take the first step we look back and say "why did I think that was going to be so hard" or " that was a lot easier then I thought. Why did I wait so long". Fear of resiliency is why. Stop being afraid, we all have huge amounts of capabilities inside ourselves that are totally untapped. When we un-tap these capabilities we start the process of creating our own resiliency. When we do this our new found resiliency grows exponentially and causes a cascading effect into so many more important parts of our lives. This new found internal power helps us become such better person to all the people around us. Not just to most important people, but everyone. This is what helps create a positive and powerful community. Right now we as a community need this more then ever. So don't be fearful. Reach inside yourself and find your resiliency and create that better version of yourself. It truly is our duty and responsibility.