Turn and face the strange

Be brave, my heart (wrote the poet and mercenary Archilochus) Plant your feet and square your shoulder to the enemy, meet him among the man-killing spears. Hold your ground.

When we turn pro, we stop running from our fears. we turn around and face them. (Steven Pressfield, Turning Pro)

Turning and facing our fears is an extremely daunting task. The emotions that come with this process can be extremely difficult and challenging to overcome. These emotions can paralyse us into taking no action and can often set us further back. You can't let this happen.

One of the biggest fears I had to face in my professional life was the decision to start Big Tree Fitness. I had to wrestle with following my true calling and passion or stay comfortable in my shadow career. I spent 24 plus years building my career in the landscape industry. I had climbed to the top of my career ladder at Vizmeg Landscape. I had built a 6 million dollar landscape maintenance division. I had a very nice income with all the vacation time needed. I had all the perks that came with my position in the company. I only had to answer to one person in the company and that was the owner. I basically had what most of us strive for in our professional careers.

I was miserable and dreaded going to work everyday, but was I ready to turn and face my fear. The fear of starting over. It turns out I was.

When we have the courage to turn and face our fears and take real true action towards defeating them great things happen. We leave our amateur life behind and we turn pro. We stop living in the past and dreaming of the future. We start to live life in the present. We do the work needed to become our true self. Our passions and dreams become reality because we have the courage to do the work required to make them real. We stop caring what others will think and we use that energy of others judgement as fuel. Turning pro is not easy. It requires inner strength and perseverance to not quit. It requires embracing the suck. It requires an appreciation of suffering along the way, knowing that the outcome from every ounce of blood sweat and tears will take you to the true self that you have always desired and dreamt about.

Be brave, my heart and face my fears. Fore the future is clearer and bright.

Michael Meeker