Safe or Strong?

When I think of this question I automatically choose strong over safe. I want my kids to experience failure and heartache. I want my kids to know how it feels to be in a situation where being scared is good. Where the possibility of failure is high.

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Michael Meeker
Thinking on a deeper level

This was time spent truly learning from each other. Our conversations were deep and thought provoking. There was no talk of politics or Covid-19. We talked and shared with each other what we thought it took to be a good human being.

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Michael Meeker
On Success

You need to face all your ups and down. All your faults. All your positives and negatives. All your relationships. You have to face everything and ask yourself hard questions.

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Michael Meeker
On Coaching

This issue isn't just confined to the gym or the classroom or at the workplace. This issue happens in everyday life. It happens with us as parents. It happens with us as families. It happens with us as friends.

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Michael Meeker

Honor, virtues and integrity come from within. They have to be nurtured and taught in order for them to flourish. This only happens through hard work and dedication.

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Michael Meeker
On Solitude

Taking a breather doesn't mean just stopping. It means stop doing what has become normal and step away and do something different. Something that renews you from the inside out. If you can't change where you are at, change who you are. To me there are plenty of things to do

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Michael Meeker
On Listening

Peace can be found out there. Quiet can be found out there. Oneness can be found out there. Too many experts and not enough listeners.

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Michael Meeker
The Fear Wolf

The past couple of days I have been feeding the fear wolf way too much food. I have been letting the many obstacles that have been thrown at my family, myself and the gym run my life, my emotions and mental state of mind.

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Michael Meeker
Harder to kill

Simply put, do these things to make yourself harder to kill. That's it. This is not complicated, but so many people would like you to think it is. Is what we are dealing with these days serious?

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Michael Meeker
Mountains and molehills

These small pebbles become the fuel for negative energy that we carry around willfully throughout the day. These small pebbles allow us to express our anger and frustrations and most of the time these small pebbles of irritation we have absolutely no control over, but yet we let the control and hijack our emotional state of mind.

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Michael Meeker
The Sky's The Limit?

We were created with a large brain and opposable thumbs for a reason and it wasn't just for sitting around and watching life go by. We are supposed to participate in life to our fullest potential.

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Michael Meeker
Giving 100 Percent

Take each piece of you life that you view as vitally to you living a full life and give yourself 100 percent to each piece. The idea here is to be in the present moment 100%.

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Michael Meeker